Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Buat Pak Jim mohon maaf
kalo bapak baca posting ini berarti bapak salah ketik alamat blog saya
alamat blog ini tidak saya pakai karena google adsense nya mampet

alamat blog yang saya kumpulkan adalah
"e" di "planet" diganti menjadi "3"

terima kasih atas perhatian bapak,sekali lagi saya minta maaf

Friday, January 9, 2009

My First Posting

Hello, this is my first posting in my first blog.
In this posting i just want to introduce my self.
My Name is Robby.
I'm a student in Budi Luhur University, even though I'm just about 1 year studying there i have almost finished 80 sks wiches in normal way it need two years.
Actually my real purpose in making of this blog is to finish my college examination in cyberpreneurship class.
I have to make a blog and add google adsense in my blog.
Yesterday I have sent the application form to make google adsense,but this night I had a reply from google adsense that said my application was rejected. Maybe it because my blog is still empty.
And then I make this posting and I will try again.
I hope this will be work.
Thank You,God Bless Me:>